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Gaznat is a Swiss limited liability company that supplies and transports high pressure natural gas to Western Switzerland. It guarantees the service to its customers with the best conditions of safety and price. The company has some 60 employees located between the Vevey and Aigle sites. Gaznat's main customers are distributors of natural gas, such as industrial services in the large cities of the Lake Geneva region and public and private distribution companies.


The Gaznat network consists of approximately 600 km of pipelines and 50 delivery points. Gaznat operates this network of high-pressure gas pipelines (70 bar) to transport gas to distributors. They then supply their final customers via their low pressure network (5 bar or less).


As part of the Confederation's Energy Strategy 2050, which aims to reduce CO2 emissions in particular, Gaznat finances two chairs at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL): one dedicated to the study of solutions to capture Carbon dioxide (CO2) at its source and reuse it, the other to issue of underground storage and geo-energies.


"Putting innovation at the service of our customers is a major challenge for Gaznat, as demonstrated by our partnership with EPFL. In this spirit, we wanted to take stock of the challenges of digital transformation - its impacts on Gaznat, our customers and their customers - during our management seminar. Patrick Giry-Deloison, who participated in the program developed with Dynargie, provided us with precise and relevant information on the many facets of the digital revolution, as well as SaMaTransformation's methodological framework to assess our digital maturity.


The dynamic and quality exchanges we had together will be useful to anticipate the great changes to come with digital transformation."


René Bautz, Directeur général – Gaznat SA


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